Monday, 21 November 2011

i argued over it 6 years ago and i say the same thing now. but this time i dont need to argue. i know i am right.

Ragging does NOT help.

i have kids who wish me "Good Morning Ma'am" daily nowadays. i dont know their names but i recognize their faces and i know they are my students.
i do not throw them out of my class for talking. 99 % of them dont talk in my class coz i teach like i teach myself or i would teach my own kid or Rhea.
i am not mean to them in the lab. if they dont get the correct results, i let them rest and then ask them if they are up for re-doing the procedure again.
if they dont know the normal values, i dont roll my eyes. i ask them to open the book, read it out. close the book and repeat it thrice.
im pretty sure all these kids know my name. i barely know any of their names.

but with ragging i remember it was the exact opposite.
the Ragger would know all the Ragees names but the Ragees most of the times were clueless as to who their Ragger/Tormentor was. they jus recognized the sadistic face and its dark shadow.

if u need to rag a person to get him/her to wish u "Good morning Ma'am" now i know for pretty sure tat they are saying that but are really wishing "Wish u were dead 2dy morning, Bitch"

1 comment:

  1. HOnest and straight-forward... these traits i have admired in you and now i see them flowing onto your posts... !!! Much Love
